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Katherine Shock Paintings
Oil, Acrylics and Watercolours Studio Collection
Port Meadow, Oxford
Some original watercolours and prints available
Ancient Port Meadow and the Wolvercote Lakes nearby provide constant inspiration, sometimes as a straight view and sometimes something more abstract
Birdseye abstract Port Meadow watercolou
Prints available No.1146
Wolvercote Lake1
Mounted watercolour 39 x 29 cm No.712 £160
Wolvercote Lake 3
Prints available. No.714
Houses on Port Meadow
Watercolour and mixed media 21 x 30 cm No.101 £95
Port Meadow High Summer watercolour
Mounted Watercolour 40 x 30 cm No.1039 £95
Port Meadow Towpath Bridge
Framed watercolour and mixed media 30 x 40 cm No.1152 £180
Port Meadow Summer River
Framed watercolour 24 x 35 cm No.1149 £180
Port Meadow long watercolour 1
Framed Watercolour 24 x 66 cm No.1141 £150
Port Meadow long watercolour 2.
Prints available No.1140
Port MeadowWillow
Prints available No.1147
Summer Pine
Mounted watercolour and mixed media 21 x 30 cm No.1148 £85
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