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Katherine Shock Paintings
Oil, Acrylics and Watercolours Studio Collection
The Pembrokeshire coastal path with its stunning views and surrounding countryside can't be surpassed on a fine day.
St Bride's Bay 1
Mounted watercolour 29.5 x 19 cm No. 985 £125
St Bride's Bay 2
Mounted Watercolour and ink 24 x 19 cm No.981 £125
St Bride's Bay 3
Watercolour and ink 15 x 22.5 cm No.982 £95
Fishguard harbour
Watercolour and ink 25.5 x 30 cm No.976 £125
Fishguard harbour 2
Mounted watercolour and ink 15 x 24 cm No.976 £95
Fishguard Harbour entrance
Watercolour and ink 30 x 22.5cm
St Bride's Bay area 2
Mounted watercolour and graphite pencils 20 x 27cm No.984 £125
Pembrokeshire fields
Mounted watercolour and graphite pencil 19.5 x 27.5 cm No.986
Pembrokeshire trees
Watercolour and ink 24 x 15cm No.988 £95
St Bride's Bay 1
St Bride's Bay 2
St Bride's Bay 3
Fishguard Harbour
Fishguard Harbour 2
Fishguard Harbour Entrance
St Bride's Bay area 2
Pembrokeshire Fields
Pembrokeshire Trees
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